Top Schools for Study Abroad

Sometimes you just know. You just know that you are going to study abroad. Sometimes, the decision to go to a certain college or university is actually based, in part, on its study abroad program. For those who are already convinced and want to make sure they get the support they need to adventure abroad, we’ve compiled a shortlist of some of the top schools for study abroad.

  • Butler University: Based in Indiana, Butler has a study abroad program that serves not only its own students, but students from Universities across the country. Under the name Institute for Study Abroad, they have 110 programs in 70 countries! You can choose a metropolis or an off-the-beaten-path city. Over 50 of their programs have been recognized as some of the best in the country. You can go abroad for varying lengths of time, and as a sophomore, junior, or senior. And, as if this wasn’t enough, they also have an approved list of other programs, in case you can’t find one you like within their network.
  • Elon University: Elon runs some of its own programs in China, England, Italy, and Costa Rica that mirror the home campus curriculum and guarantee smooth transitions for those with complex study paths. However, they also have a list of approximately 200 approved affiliate programs that allow you to pick pretty much any destination and situation you can imagine. On top of this, Elon offers 35 short-term programs of their own during winter, summer, fall break or spring break. You can also apply to do independent study or research with the help of a faculty member, or petition a new program.
  • Middlebury College: Middlebury College is known for their language programs and their study abroad offerings support that mission. Under the name C.V. Starr-Middlebury, the 40 Middlebury Schools Abroad – from Cameroon to Chile to Jordan – require students to take a language pledge, promising to not speak English during their time abroad (unless there’s an emergency or you need to chat with family, of course!). They often directly enroll you in the local university and require you to live with either a host family or other local students. If language fluency is your priority, check out Middlebury or their programs (they also accept outside students).
  • Goucher College: Goucher may be the only school to boast a study abroad rate of over 100% due to many of their students going overseas more than once! In fact, they require their students to study abroad – whether it be a summer or semester – at least one time before graduating. Though Goucher isn’t known for accommodating outside students, with 60 programs in 32 countries, Goucher is a great full-time option for someone who knows they want to make foreign study a priority in their college education. Given their commitment to global education, they have a phenomenal support network for their students.
  • Arcadia University: Like a few of the schools on this list, Arcadia hosts both its own students as well as outside students on its College of Global Studies programs. They have quite the menu of options! They aim to ensure all students feel they can fit foreign study into their curriculum. Want or need to combine special interests or courses with your abroad experience? Their website asks you to input the “what”, “when”, “where”, and “how” and identifies the right fit for you, taking the stress out of finding a program that gels with your interests! And, if you go to Arcadia as a full-time student, there are even “freshman preview” courses with spring break travel to help introduce you to global education the Arcadia way.

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