Sacred Traveling: How Study Abroad Can Enhance the Interior Life (2)

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel fresco

by Janine Paden Morgan, chaplain and instructor in Bible, Ministry and Missions for Abilene Christian University’s ACU in Oxford program <<< Part 1 I want to reflect briefly on two aspects of the human-divine relationship especially relevant to young adults in study abroad contexts. First, it is important for students of faith to have reassurance of a God who is seen as…

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Sacred Traveling: How Study Abroad Can Enhance the Interior Life

In all great stories, from ancient fairy tales to contemporary movies, the Hero’s journey [i] consists of leaving home, encountering the Other (which leads to a personal crisis), and the return home. The common thread throughout these narratives is the necessity of self-examination brought about through encounters with others different than themselves. A much-overlooked dimension of study abroad programs is the…

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How Can We Help Study Abroad Students Better Prepare For Experiences Evoking Strong Emotions?

by Aisling Meade, Programme Manager, EIL Intercultural Learning Every year we coordinate a field trip to Belfast for American students in a study abroad program. We arrange for them to meet with various politicians, community workers, and organizations to provide a basic overview of the current situation in Northern Ireland and its culture. We often arrange for these study abroad groups to…

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The God Business (a study abroad story)

by Wendy Williamson, Director of Study Abroad, Eastern Illinois University One of the reasons why I like working in the field of study abroad is that study abroad changes lives! It changes minds, but it also changes hearts, as people learn more about themselves and better understand each other. Sure, there are some students who study abroad for the wrong…

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