Why Should Faculty Teach Abroad?

Why should you consider teaching abroad?

Teaching is an incredible experience and it allows the teacher to learn from other students. Fortunately, there is even a better way for you as a teacher to enrich your life with knowledge and culture, which is to teach abroad. Once you travel from your local classroom to another class in a completely different country, that is when your true adventure…

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Boston Area Study Abroad Association (BASAA) Conference, Spring 2015

This Tuesday, April 21st, FacultyAbroad was delighted to attend the 2015 Annual Spring Conference held by the Boston Area Study Abroad Association (BASAA), hosted this year at Simmons College in Boston, MA. The Conference brought together over 120 professionals from the field of international education for a day of professional networking amidst seven engaging presentations hosted by attendees representing several…

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Me, EDUESPAÑA & the World Cup

The University of Salamanca at night.

by Wendy Williamson, Director of Study Abroad, Eastern Illinois University This summer, I was invited to participate in the 2010 Educational Program for US Higher Education Institutions. This program is intended for study abroad program administrators and foreign language professors, who may be interested in creating and/or expanding faculty-led programs in Spain. Its primary goal is to introduce a select…

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Faculty Study Abroad in Costa Rica

Kathy Bower on canopy tour at Monteverde, Costa Rica

This year I was awarded a sabbatical by Eastern Illinois University, where I am a professor. I choose to pursue studies in my field of research, environmental sustainability, in a developing country so that I can compare sustainable community planning of developing and developed countries. Since I speak only English, I also need to learn the language of the country…

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Wofford Faculty Study Abroad

It is not often that we college professors are asked to step into the shoes of students in order to see the world from their point of view, but that is just what the Wofford College Milliken Faculty Seminar Abroad does.  Each year one fifth of the faculty is invited to travel abroad to a destination where our students study for…

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Book Review: Faculty Engagement in Internationalization

The Twenty-first Century University: Developing Faculty Engagement in Internationalization

Book Review, submitted by Wendy Williamson The Twenty-first Century University: Developing Faculty Engagement in Internationalization (Complicated Conversation: a Book Series of Curriculum Studies) by Dr. Lisa K. Childress is a must-read for those charged with internationalizing higher education. This groundbreaking title was just published in 2010. It covers the history of internationalization, provides a critical analysis of the literature (including…

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