Getting to Know Your On-Site Program Coordinator


As customized, faculty-led study abroad programs increase in popularity, the support behind these programs increases in sophistication.  Gone are the days that faculty find themselves in a foreign country for the first time, with a

Language learning abroad

Enhancing Language Learning Abroad


Studying abroad is clearly beneficial for students in many ways, but for many study abroad goers, the primary reason for studying abroad is to learn a foreign language. The study abroad environment offers many opportunities

Planning Faculty-Led Study Abroad


The most recent Open Doors report indicates that during the 2013-2014 academic year, 62% of U.S. students who studied abroad participated in short-term study abroad programs (i.e., study abroad programs lasting for a summer term

Greece: A Crucial Foundation for Study Abroad


  Without Greek studies there is no education. – Leo Tolstoy If you are looking for the essential primer for study abroad curriculum, you must begin at the beginning of Western civilization. Would you like