EVENT – Risk Management Workshop for Faculty Leaders

Please Note: This event has already taken place

Bill Frederick, Director of Risk Management Services, at the School for Field Studies and Natalie Mello, Director of Global Operations, at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, will be conducting a one day risk management training for faculty who will be leading short-term study abroad programs.

Bill has been the Director of Safety at The School for Field Studies (SFS) since 2002 and instituted SFS Risk Management Education in 2006. He has served as project leader for the Forum on Education Abroad’s pilot incident database and co-chair of the 2010 inaugural Forum Standards Institute. He has led numerous international safety reviews and served for 16 years with Outward Bound. As a senior instructor and faculty committee member for Wilderness Medical Associates (WMA), he has taught emergency medicine to educators, rescue teams and international service organizations in over a dozen countries and designed WMA’s Travel Medicine First Aid course. He holds a B.A in Psychology from the University of Colorado and an M.Ed from Harvard University.

Natalie is the Director of Global Operations in the Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Mello oversees all aspects of the administration and management of WPI’s global perspective program, including student recruitment, risk management, health and safety issues, participant orientation and faculty development and training. These programs exist in the US, Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Africa and the South Pacific and involve more than 600 participants yearly. Mello has also served as an onsite advisor for WPI students as they have completed degree required projects in Venice, Italy, San José, Costa Rica and Washington, DC.

This training will approach risk management from the faculty leader perspective. We will provide a data and evidence-based framework for figuring out what you need to know and what you need to be able to do. We will build a decision-making matrix that will be applicable to the particulars of your program and provide tools for preventing incidents from occurring and responding to them when they do. The curriculum will include the hazard landscape; transportation, communication and medical strategy; student facilitation and behavior management; info acquisiton and knowledge management; incident and emergency response, etc. The program will include formal presentations, case studies, scenarios and much discussion.

Date: April 29, 2010 – 9am to 5pm

Cost: $300 includes lunch and all handouts

Location: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, Hagglund Room, 2nd floor of the Campus Center

Directions to WPI and information about local accommodations:

Registration: please call Roz at the School for Field Studies at 978.741.3567 extension 108 (credit cards only)

For further information please contact Natalie at nmello@WPI.EDU

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