As the Director of Study Abroad at Eastern Illinois University, I spend a fair amount of time researching and developing study abroad programs and partnerships outside of the United States. Prior to my recent discovery of EducationUSA, I would start each search by pulling all of my contacts and then scouring the Internet for fitting locations and institutions within a particular country. Recently, I was invited to present on the topic of U.S. Study Abroad at the tri-annual WHA Regional EducationUSA Training Program, which was held in Mexico City. It was there that I learned more about this resourceful network.
EducationUSA is a global network supported by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. It consists of more than 400 advising centers, whose primary mission is to promote U.S. higher education around the world, including study abroad. Recently, EducationUSA started offering its valuable host country knowledge, contacts, and connections to study abroad professionals and faculty leaders from the United States. This means that EducationUSA advising centers can help us find suitable study abroad sites, institutions, organizations, accommodations, guest lecturers, tour guides, and more.
To get started, find an advising center and contact them with your needs. You can also search EducationUSA’s 150+ Countries Database for national statistics, education systems, recent trends, photos, and more. If you haven’t yet figured it out, there’s a wealth of information and resources on the EducationUSA website.
I recently heard that some EducationUSA Advising Centers will be providing paid internships to US students who have studied abroad in their country for a semester or longer. What a great opportunity (and idea), not to mention resume builder, for students to have a semester-long study abroad experience followed by a paid internship.
Submitted by Wendy Williamson, Director of Study Abroad, Eastern Illinois University
Thanks for this post, Wendy! I was aware of EducationUSA, of course, but not this aspect of their work!
Emily G
Hi Wendy,
I’m glad to learn more about the EducationUSA network and that students can now also benefit from a paid internship after a study abroad experience. I have been heavily involved with study abroad programmes such as the Erasmus Programme in Europe. However, we face similar problems in that many students are not aware of the options and support that can be provided through these programmes and networks. It would be interesting to compare the different programmes available in the USA and Europe in depth as to learn how we can continue to better develop these initiatives and promote cross-cultural experiences.
thanks for this article.. showed me another aspect of the work EdicationUSA gets into
Nice post Wendy.
It’s great to see that students gets noticed. Thanks again
It is really a great opportunity with the paid internship to study abroad. The experience itself will be valuable. There is much we can learn from others just as they can learn from us.
A paid internship is definitely cool and a great way to experience different cultures and learn. Hope programs for other countries catch on too.
Wow, this is really a great resource. My daughter studied for a semester overseas in New Zealand, but she did not have the advantage of this kind of a resource to help her with all the details that she had to work out for herself, so I’ll definitely tell her and her friends about Education USA.
Top post Wendy.
I’m Director of Senior School studies over in the UK. Some of our students make the journey the opposite way so to speak. Many of them are keen to experience different cultures and to see the world whilst they study.
To us in the UK the lure of the US is such an attraction to our students and the US is by far the most popular destination for those who decide to further their education overseas.
I did a paid internship a few years ago in Finland and it was by far the most amazing experience I had ever had.
@Chris – Yes, it sure is a great chance for some lucky students to learn more than just what’s on the curriculum.
@Davi – Yep, cool. Cultural breadth is pretty much guaranteed after such an experience.
@Daniel – Whereabouts in New Zealand? We’ve got family in Christchurch, a lecturer in botany at the University college, and a teacher of primary school classes.
@Wendy – Nice post. Thank you.
I think it’s great the countries are encouraging more students to study abroad. Economies these day are so linked that having a global perspective while still young will really help the students in the long term.
Great site. This type of education is invaluable not only for the language exposure and the different culture that spawns personal growth and wisdom but it also prepares you for more possiblities than you ever imagined. Too many Americans never travel and never experience what the real world is like outside of their own, parochial environment.
Studying abroad seems to be in vogue again. I have noticed an increase in undergraduates studying abroad over the past 5 years. There are high school students who already know which country they will study in while still in high school. As many colleges offer this opportunity, students would be foolish not to take advantage.
Undoubtedly, studying abroad is an enriching experience. It is a shame it is not available to every North American student. The learning itself is augmented in an inspiring atmosphere.
Interesting post on studying abroad. I’m sure college students will find it quite interesting. Do check us out for study abroad too. Academic Studies Abroad is a great way to explore a variety of study abroad programs in Europe and Latin America.
i studied in England when i was a kid.. had the time of my life